Pi Garage V1.8.0
Pi Garage version 1.8.0 has been released. In this version the mobile app has been given the ability to have multiple configurations saved.
The main driver for this was so that other people who had a Pi Garage could simply give you the configuration details and you could add this as a second (or even tenth). Before this you would have to destructively edit your existing configuration which would be a pain if you had a complex API key.
To select/change a configuration after creating it you can simply click the dropdown in the menu drawer. Here you can see the current config is called “default”.
To Create/Edit configurations you can simply click on “Configs” in the men drawer. In previous versions this was called “Global Settings”.
To add a new configuration you can click on the floating “add” button at the bottom. Extra options to “Edit” and “Remove” have been added as a extra context menu when you click on the ellipsis on the right hand side of the configuration card.